There might be a lot of cards in your wallet. As there are a lot of them, you might not pay attention to them as you might not think they are worth your attention until you are asked by your doctor, or another medical provider.
On your insurance card, there is a number of important information. As they are all important, it is a must for you to know and understand every single thing on it. Actually, it is not too late for you to start knowing your insurance card and understanding everything about it.
As mentioned above, there is a lot of important information. One of them is called the policy number. This number is not always called the policy number. Depending on the insurance company, it might also be called “Member ID”, “Policy ID”, or “Policy #”.
For those who have UMR insurance card, you can check that there is also the policy number on your UMR insurance card. On this card, the policy number is referred to as “Member ID”. Just like any other information on your UMR insurance card, this kind of number is also really important. This one is assigned specifically to you to track all of your benefits and claims information.
After knowing about the function of the policy number or the member ID on your UMR insurance card, you might be wondering where it is located just in case you need it one day. So, where is the policy number or the member ID on UMR insurance card?
The policy number or the member ID on UMR insurance card is located on the front of the card, just like the other policy numbers on the insurance card of the other companies. The exact location is below the issuer number. This number is also located next to the group number that is assigned to identify your group health plan, on the left side for the exact. Below this number, there is a list of the family members who are covered under your plan. Next to the list of the family members who are covered under your plan, you will be able to see the information about your prescription drug plan, which is usually used by the pharmacists to process your claim. Under this information, there is also your medical provider network, which is also referred to as your preferred provider organization or PPO.
As there are a lot of numbers on the UMR insurance card, which are the policy number or the member ID, the issuer number, and the group number, you might be a bit confused. If you are a bit confused, please don’t be. It should be easy for you to differentiate between the policy number or the member ID, the issuer number, and the group number. Aside from the location of these numbers, they also consist of different digits. For the policy number or the member ID of the UMR insurance card, it usually consists of a total of 12 digits. For the issuer number, it usually consists of a total of 10 digits. Not only that, the number is usually divided into three parts. The first part consists of 3 digits, the second part consists of 5 digits, and the last part consists of 2 digits. These three parts are separated by minus (-) sign. Just like the issuer number, the group number does not also consist of 10 digits like the policy number or the member ID. This one consists of only 8 digits. Unlike the issuer number that is divided into three parts, it is only divided into only two parts. The first part of the group number consists of 2 digits while the last part consists of 6 digits.
As you already find out about the location of the policy number or member ID on the UMR insurance card and the information about the other things on the front card, you might also want to know about the information on the back of the UMR insurance card. So, what are on the back of the UMR insurance card?
On the back of the URM insurance card, you will be able to find the phone number of the customer service of UMR insurance. This one is located at the center of the card. Make sure to call this number only when you need medical services. Not only that, you are also only allowed to dial this number when your plan needs prior authorization for those services. In addition to calling the customer service number of UMR insurance, you can also go to the official website of UMR if you want to check your benefits, claims status, accumulators and eligibility.
The next thing that you will be able to see on the back of the UMR insurance card is the information about any access to a regional or secondary network. For anyone who is travelling outside your in-network coverage area, you are suggested to look at this information in order to see if you have access to a regional or secondary network. This kind of thing is located almost at the end of the card.
At the very end of the UMR insurance card, there is the pharmacists and members number. Feel free to call this number when you want to ask something about pharmacy benefits.
By reading the information above, it should be easy for you to find the location of the policy number or the member ID on the UMR insurance card. If you have something to ask about this kind of number, you are suggested to call the customer service number of UMR. If you are wondering about the number, as stated before, it is able to be found on the back of the UMR insurance card. It is the best way that you can do. On top of that, it is also toll free. Another number that you might want to call to get help is 800-826-9781.