An upgrade to NetBackup on Windows might fail if the policy execution manager (nbpem) does not shutdown.

An upgrade to NetBackup on a Microsoft Windows master server might fail if the policy execution manager (nbpem) does not shutdown in a timely manner.

Error Message

"A fatal error has occurred during installation. An attempt was made to restore the previous state of the system."

The install log reported:

02-23-2021,11:14:35 : CustomAction Immediate_StopBaseProduct returned actual error code 1603


The in-progress install log at C:\Windows\bkupinst.log reports that the product shutdown command failed:

02-23-2021,11:14:35 : > NetBackup Policy Execution Manager -- NOT STOPPED

02-23-2021,11:14:35 : Shutdown of one or more services failed.

The installer is designed to abort if the shutdown command returns an unexpected error. The problem with the install occurred due to the nbpem process not stopping in a timely enough manner.


To workaround this issue it is recommended to ensure the NetBackup processes have all stopped on the master server prior to performing the install of NetBackup Use the command

to check and confirm NetBackup has stopped and then proceed with the upgrade.

The following windows commands from command prompt can be used to find and kill the process id if necessary:

c:\> tasklist | findstr nbpem

where 1234 is an example of the process id

then to kill the process

e.g. taskkill /PID 1234

Veritas Technologies LLC is aware of the issue in the NetBackup release. A resolution to the problem will be included in a future release of NetBackup.